
Must-Haves: E-Commerce Basics

Let’s look at 4 elements that will help your online store or e-business get moving for success.

Shopping online should be easy. But e-commerce websites require many technical considerations to create that user-friendly experience. Among them: inventory and delivery tracking systems, a shopping cart and abandoned cart recovery, payment and billing options, tracking numbers and order status, applicable taxes, and other basic features.

1. Identify your e-commerce audience… and keep their attention.

Every successful business requires clear audience identification and segmentation. A good marketer knows how to capture and keep a customer’s attention. But that’s much easier with in-person sales. If a salesperson sees that a customer is dissatisfied with one offer, they can guide them to another. And if a customer moves toward the exit, the salesperson can intercept him. A simple “Didn’t find what you were looking for?” can save the sale.

With e-commerce, the potential customer only has to click to exit. You’ve lost them, and probably forever. To keep the viewer’s attention, it is imperative to know your niche and your customer profile. Only then can you advertise your e-commerce site in the right media. Make sure your brand’s look and voice accurately reflect the culture and needs of your audience. Engage them in a style that appeals to their sensibilities and tastes.

2. E-commerce website design

Websites require two types of design. Let’s call one graphic design and the other digital design. Graphic design includes aspects such as colour palette, visual hierarchy, logo and others. The other aspect we will call digital design. Although the two overlap in the overall design of the website, they differ in many ways. And because the graphic design aspects will define your brand for a long time, we strongly recommend that you work with an expert graphic designer. Work closely with them. They may know design, but you know your client.

With digital design, the KISS rule comes into play: Keep it Simple, Silly. Even if you build your e-commerce site from a desktop, most shoppers will find your site on mobile. Ease of navigation, clean, uncluttered pages and succinct product descriptions enhance the mobile experience and drive sales. Optimise your menus to have as few elements as possible. Menus that are too long can be difficult to navigate. On the other hand, requiring the user to click too many times can also increase bounce rates. The search bars and category filters mentioned above can help a lot. Also, consider using product-specific landing pages for advertising.

3. Make maximum use of digital media.

E-commerce websites dramatically level the playing field for entrepreneurs. Renting a property on a busy street, for example, reduces your profits. But on the Internet, all “roads” eventually lead to your site. Make the most of “busy streets” by developing a strong social media presence. It is not enough to simply inform. Your social media posts must attract attention.

And don’t feel obliged to be on every social media platform. If time limits you, you are likely to achieve more on two or three social media platforms with a strong presence than trying to manage 10. Yes, social media management platforms, such as Hootsuite, can help you cross-post on multiple platforms. But make sure you have time to answer questions and engage on each one.

4. Loyalty programmes and other sales tools

Successful e-commerce websites also leverage the medium in other ways. Loyalty programmes, for example, help you retain hard-won customers. However, e-commerce loyalty programmes can differ substantially depending on your product. For example, you can use a points system to get a free product after a certain number of purchases. Or offer a discount with a monthly subscription. These loyalty programmes work very well for consumable or disposable items, such as coffee or razor blades. For less disposable items, such as tools or furniture, you can simply offer discounts on future purchases in your shop. And since you have probably obtained the customer’s email address, sending occasional special offers or coupons is easy.


Successfully integrating each of these 4 items or categories into your unique e-commerce offering will improve the user experience, increase sales and contribute to the success of your online shop.

Written by H. B.

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