
What Is Your Purpose In Life?

Why Purpose Matters and How to Discover Yours

Here are several benchmarks to light your way as you seek your purpose.

Awaken your curiosity

Never underestimate the power of curiosity. The desire to know and learn, curiosity ignites your mind, forcing it to come alive.
Curious people constantly seek out “new” information. You will find them in bookstores and libraries, sitting on the floor, engrossed in a book on some seemingly random topic. They proactively solicit the opinions of their bosses, spouses, friends and co-workers. They ask deep and insightful questions.

Strive for new information. Consider your sources and then expand on them. Seek out someone who inspires you and ask them what they are reading, watching or listening to.

Curiosity naturally leads you to learn, unlearn and relearn. The philosopher Eric Hoffer said: “In the future, the learned will inherit the earth, while the learned will find themselves beautifully equipped to live in a world that no longer exists”.

When we are dead and gone, people will be able to judge us by what we have achieved. Until then, it is up to us to keep looking for what we will achieve next. Your curiosity puts you in the driver’s seat.

Turn on your intuition

Intuition is knowledge or sensation without the use of rational processes. Call it a hunch or your sixth sense, it’s when you simply know that you are destined to go down a certain path or make a specific decision. You don’t know why you know, you just know.

Listening to and following your instincts is the key to becoming a person of purpose. When you live with purpose, you become more intentional about what you do and how you do it. While many people rely on hard data, training and experience to make decisions, I encourage you to remain open to what your intuition may tell you, especially if it is different from what logic indicates. There will also be times when you simply don’t have enough information to make a good decision, so what do you do? Shut up, listen to your instinct and go with it.

Evaluate the core areas of your life

If you feel stuck in your 9-5 job, if you feel unskilled, inexperienced and untrained, you are not living in your purpose. How can you process this and identify your purpose?
The core areas of your life are personalised to you and your purpose. Only you can truly define them: mind and body, family and friends, spirituality, finances, career.

Start by doing some soul-searching. Ask yourself personal questions about your life as you see it: How are you doing in the major areas of your life? Are you excelling in some and lacking in others?

For example, career is a core area where many people struggle. If this is the case for you, ask yourself: What am I good at, what are my special talents, skills and abilities? Then step outside yourself: What do I want to do?

What external problem, situation or need is troubling you? What opportunities, careers or vocations are you interested in but have not pursued? Seeking your truths in the core areas of your life, both inside and out, will help you walk a purpose-driven path.

Put it all together

1. Ask yourself
Ask yourself: How can I use my purpose to make a difference? and your subconscious mind will open up to the universe and its possibilities.

Try starting each day with some quiet time to yourself, in meditation, prayer or with your morning coffee. Give yourself the space to ask yourself this question every day.

2. Seek
Actively seek answers about how you can use your purpose each day. Look for the path you should take. Do your research. Realise that you may have to follow many rabbit trails, some of which will lead you down blind alleys. That’s OK; it’s all part of the process.

The path to living your purpose is not always obvious or clear. Go online, watch videos and listen to podcasts. Read all the books that catch your attention. Seek guidance from people who can help you live your purpose.

Once you have opened your mind and heart to the possibilities of the universe, pay close attention to the people who show up. They are there to teach you a lesson, challenge you, or help you on your path.

3. Knock on the door
And keep knocking.

When you come across a door of opportunity that you sense is for you, you must knock. If you want to discover what’s on the other side of the door, you have to push it open and walk through.

Each day take one small step that leads you in the direction of your purpose. Write down your goal, then break it down into smaller goals, and then further into smaller, achievable steps. I promise these will add up quickly.

Written by H. B.

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